Updates to the manuscripts and the paperbacks:

I just uploaded updated manuscripts to the e-book and paperback listings of both of my books (which are exclusive to Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible audiobooks now.) The gutter is now flawless on the paperbacks.

My previous update, as well, justify aligned all my books to get rid of the ragged right and make it look more formal in format. Ellipses are now single typographical symbols, which are more typographically beautiful.

And various little corrections were made to the manuscripts outside of that. And the product descriptions now note that the font size of the paperbacks are suitable for up to 20/100 vision.

The unknown will be a matter of when Amazon starts producing the new versions for purchase. It could be in a week, or it could take longer.

I stand behind every edition I have published, however. The paperback editions before the changes in this post are a fully enjoyable read. These changes just make refinements for future prints.