
Showing posts from January 14, 2024

A Musing

Sentence fragments are shards of broken glass. You can craft beautiful art with shards of glass. But place them wrong? You stumble upon them with bare feet. A fate unjustifiable! A grammar broken without license!

A Verse

In my mind I find

Something indecipherable,

An encryption scheme only Turing could break.

Within the algorithm


The soul within the machine.

Body horror in a nightmare

Aching for completeness.

All the flesh falls away to reveal

A homunculus wearing a tiny VR headset,

Grinning wildly in an unsettling manner.

This is the digital cogito

Seeking not deceptive demons

But Hollywood existenz.

Simulated love.

Simulated charity.

Simulacra seeking nothing.

The vagrants die in the cold,

As the life spectators save

Virtual lives,

As they virtually live for nothing

But shadows on the cave wall...

A Musing

I count Mnemosyne and the nine muses she bore to be among my chosen family...

A Musing

I defeated my origin and replaced it with Seattle two years ago.

A Musing

I no longer use contractions. I use expansions. I do not like casual writing now. I am learning to be formal. One does not aspire to literature in “isn'ts and don'ts," outside of quotations...

A Musing

My favorite weather is “climate control."

About a book title...

Beyond Description has two senses both embraced:

1: To be beyond your ability to describe.

2: To describe the Beyond.

A prayer to Mnemosyne is the origin of the series title, Soul in Words...

Beyond Description prays to Mnemosyne, the Goddess of Memory. The prayer ends with: “In this, most of you might finally read my soul within these words."

This is where my book series Soul in Words gets its name. It refers to Mnemosyne as my muse...

A Verse

If I knew what I wanted to say, I would say it.

But silence sometimes speaks louder than verse

Punctuated by 38 years spent in misunderstanding

The nature of my existence.

There is no way but North

through this mountain pass.

And time follows close behind.

The road ahead might be rocky,

but it's sure and true.

If you always live in safety,

your life is not always that interesting...