Tentative Table of Contents for Book 3: To Where We Walk

Book 3 is going to be done sooner than I thought. It is now titled and has twelve chapters now. Below is the title page and the table of contents. This one will be a novella like the others. It is currently 23,318 words. I suspect that in less than two months, it might be complete. It's hard to say. To Where We Walk is abbreviated TWWW. Which infers the internet, but not explicitly. There are no other works with this title or abbreviation.

"To Where We Walk

The end of an era into another,
A solace within solitude and sanctuary.

©2024, Emily Tiffany Joy, all rights reserved.

Table of Contents
To Where We Walk 1
Table of Contents 2
Chapter 1: Dreams Do Not Denote My Soul 3
Chapter 2: Nothing Compares to Actualization 26
Chapter 3: A Life Led to Happiness 47
Chapter 4: Aching For Completeness 67
Chapter 5: Vibrant Swirling Chaos 90
Chapter 6: Love Is the Story Most Salient 111
Chapter 7: Telepresence Conservatory of One 132
Chapter 8: That Is All We Will Ever Know 153
Chapter 9: Chaos Archery 174
Chapter 10: To Where We Walk Determines All 197
Chapter 11: Use Caution, Always Use Caution 217
Chapter 12: Even These Words Will Not Do 239"