My Writing Process and Why I Write:

My writing process is organic. I often like to engage in stream of consciousness writing. It is often hard to tell when I do this because I draft, edit, and proof so much that the results look quite discernibly planned. I grapple with intention often. I avoid intending in the chaos of the creative process. Then I determine what I intended from the results in the editing and proofing process. So much of what I write is from my soul and from my direct experiences in life.

I am a nonfiction writer with a background in the study of oral history. I am unsatisfied until what I have written reads like real literature. I often only place a fraction of what I write into my books. That is how I reach the highest possible quality of expression for my readers. Every reader of my work is an honor to me. That someone devotes hours to learning about my life is the highest compliment. Thanks to everyone who has read my books and to all who read them in the future. You are why I write and who my books set out to empower. You deserve the best life. You deserve a wonderful future lined with happiness and love.