Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited Availability Are Here!


I enrolled my books into Amazon Kindle Select for 90 days at minimum. I delisted them from all other platforms for the foreseeable. This simplifies everything, because about all my readers use Amazon to get my books. They are still indexed on Google Books with previews there. Two chapter previews of all three books are still available on my website,

Amazon Kindle Select allows my books to be available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, which is a premium reading service to freely read books for anyone who subscribes to it. If you subscribe to Amazon Kindle Unlimited, look up my books, Beyond Description and Subsection Hope, to read them for free there. Positive, heartfelt reviews are always deeply appreciated.

Additionally, pending processing, I set up a Kindle Countdown Deal for both Beyond Description and Subsection Hope. This means you will be able to get each of the eBooks for 99 cents each over the next two weeks! I'll make another post as soon as the Kindle Countdown Deal becomes active!

Happy reading!

-ET Joy