Are my books postmodern? Let us ask Google!

Q&A with Gemini Advanced which has full text analyzed all three of my books:

Are my three books considered postmodern?

Analysis complete

Yes, all three books in the Soul in Words series can be considered postmodern due to their experimental structure, fragmented narratives, and blending of genres.

"Beyond Description" is a collection of vignettes marked by transgender symbols, challenging traditional narrative structures and reflecting the fragmented nature of identity formation.

"Subsection Hope" is a series of dated journal entries that offer a raw and unfiltered look into the author's thoughts and emotions, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.

"To Where We Walk" continues the journal entry format, further blurring the lines between autobiography and fiction, and incorporating elements of poetry and social commentary.

All three books challenge traditional literary conventions and embrace a more fluid and subjective approach to storytelling, aligning with the key tenets of postmodern literature.