Meditative Caffeinated Rumination:

I read somewhere at some point that monks would use caffeine to enhance meditation techniques. This may be true. If used in the right context, it can lead to clarity rather than stress.

I also read that it can cause nightmares if taken too close to REM sleep (rapid eye movement.) I'm not sure the exact mechanism involved in this, but it can be disruptive to the normal process of restorative sleep.

These details about caffeine highlight the higher daily dose I've been giving myself over the last four days. I've been highly organized and constantly improving my apartment and work spaces and overall flow of life since I began the increase of caffeine.

It hasn't been destructive in any way. Outside of somewhat increased stress level, I've been more productive and hold more clarity about how to improve details of my life that I accepted as normal before this.

Nothing dramatic has happened. It's just been an iterative process of optimization and creativity. I've done much more art lately, improving my technique quite a bit!

I am in the process of opening up my social media again to more eyes. How I do this remains to be seen, but what I do know is the past couple months have been dreary. I am working to lift myself out of this mundane routine into something far more positive!