emily7.com and emilyseven.com, a new convenient way to reach emilytiffanyjoy.com:

You can now reach my official site, emilytiffanyjoy.com, at two additional convenient shorthand locations. They are: emily7.com and emilyseven.com.

These domain names forward to emilytiffanyjoy.com. I purchased the combination of emily7/emilyseven versions today to avoid ambiguity in spoken transfer of the new domains. Now if you tell someone to go to my site, just say emily seven dot com, and they can type either emily7.com or emilyseven.com without explicit declaration as to which is correct, as both are correct. Without both versions, there would be occasional confusion which would dilute the convenience of my new memorable domains. They are not replacements of emilytiffanyjoy.com, but rather, additional easy names to reach my work.

The foremost intended meaning of seven in my domain name is an evocation of a Greek goddess from ancient mythology. Seven represents the Greek deity Athena, who is a personification of wisdom, war, and crafting. This mythological reference is in line with a number of events in my Soul in Words book series. An additional intended interpretation of seven in the new domain names is to evoke the familiar appearance of a television or radio call sign, without explicitly being one itself. This is a tribute to my fascination with journalism.

These new domains do not host email services, and as ever, the best way to reach me is me@emilytiffanyjoy.com.