On refining quality and bringing the best possible forward:

I proofed my second book twice today and issued an update to all formats and platforms. I fixed countless dozens of issues I didn't see before.

Between updating the first book and now my second, I feel very proud of what I accomplished today. I consider the books significantly better.

There have only been 22 sales of the books so far, so I consider those helpful in figuring out the process. The feedback I have been given from my readers has been amazingly helpful and dearly appreciated...

The books and my site are now quite ready for thousands of readers. I want to thank everyone for their support and for believing in me and my work!!

Anyone who has digital editions of my books just needs to clear their downloaded copies and reopen them to have what ought to be the final editions.

And anyone who has print editions prior to today has unique limited editions of the first two dozen prints of my books.