On book thickness update:

I created a new official minor update to my first book, Beyond Description. It will be live and active on every book seller site and every format within a week or two, pending processing time.

I added “​* * *” micro story separators like the second book and increased the font size of the book from 12pt to 14pt to ensure it matches the print thickness of Subsection Hope.

There is only a three page difference now. They will look better on a shelf together. I fixed a handful of errors in the text as well.

I will keep the second book at 12pt to maintain thickness similarity with the first book. The range of font size for a nonfiction book according to one site is between 10pt and 14pt, so this change still matches industry standards.

There is only a 2k word difference between the two books, and now their thickness is no longer dramatically different.

I had been considering this change for months, and this morning I finally worked to apply it. Definitely worth it!